"Your attitude, almost always determines your altitude in life."
His players won't play for him any more. And he just continues to sit around and watch without question while he gets shit on by the umpires.
Fire Manny Acta now, and bring in someone who cares about playing good, fundamental baseball, and isn't afraid to get in somebodys face.
Fire Manny Acta.
Thank for creating this website. Yes, fire Acta!
I also agree 100% Sorry Manny, for I know you will read this, but it's time to move on. Maybe your soft approach will work elsewhere but these players clearly have little passion these days and the managerial decisions are generally atrocious. Fire him, 4 years of Fail is enough already.
Please, Please!!! Fire Manny Acta. He seems like a great guy who may deserve another chance somewhere but the players seem to have no life, little emotion. A lot like him. This might work for a good team like the Sox or Yanks but the Nats stink. I fish rots from the head.
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